Hey traveller!

The most awaited moment of the year is finally approaching: your summer holidays. Have you already booked your next trip? Break away from the routine and enjoy this time to the fullest, as you always do!

Summer 2022 is your opportunity to discover new places, connect with other cultures, laugh out loud with your friends, family, partner or with the travellers you meet during your adventure. Can you feel it? Are you determined to explore the world without limits?

Enjoy your travel plans without any worries and remember that it is always highly recommended that you travel with travel insurance that includes COVID-19 coverage. In some countries, it is even a mandatory requirement to access. Plans change and unforeseen circumstances can arise, but what must remain protected at all costs is your well deserved summer vacation.

Therefore, this summer, enjoy and travel wherever you please because Heymondo will take care of any unexpected hiccoughs in your plans.

Also, we have a big surprise for you, keep reading!

We have prepared a giveaway prize consisting of 4 plane tickets valued at 300€ each.


Yes, you have read it right. Next Wednesday June 15th 2022 at 11 am (GMT +1) we will launch the giveaway on our social networks: Instagram (@heymondo_en), Twitter (@Heymondo_en) and Facebook (@heymondoen). A big giveaway prize: 4 plane tickets valued at 300€ each.

The giveaway prize will be multiplatform and it will be held among all the participants of the 3 social networks mentioned above.

How to participate? 

To participate on Facebook:
Follow the Facebook page /heymondoen
Mention (@name) in the comments of the giveaway post the person with whom you would go on a trip.

To participate on Twitter:
Follow us on Twitter @Heymondo_en
Retweet this post
Mention (@name) in the comments of the giveaway post the person with whom you would go on a trip.

To participate on Instagram:
Follow us on instagram @heymondo_en
Mention (@name) in the comments of the giveaway post the person with whom you would go on a trip.
Share the post of the giveaway in stories (optional)

The giveaway prize will be active until June 22nd 2022 at 11 am (GMT +1) and the winners will be announced on June 23rd at 11am (GMT +1) in our social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Stories.

You have a exciting opportunity to explore the world by winning one of these 4 plane tickets. This is just a heads up, stay tuned to our social networks because we will be announcing all the details shortly!

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