Hey travelers!

We are absolutely ecstatic to mark this significant milestone with you today. It’s almost surreal, but here we are, commemorating our fourth year at Heymondo! Four years filled with remarkable experiences, growth, and the inevitable hurdles. Being able to support the travel community, guiding you through challenges, has been so rewarding, inspiring us to push our boundaries further every day.

We want to express our gratitude to each and every one of you who has supported us throughout this journey:

  • To the thousands of travelers who have chosen Heymondo for their travel insurance needs over the past 4 years, thank you!
  • A big shout-out to the 200+ international travel bloggers who are part of our program, your support means the world to us!
  • Our invaluable international insurance partners, thank you for your collaboration!
  • Last but certainly not least, a massive thanks to our outstanding team at Heymondo. Your dedication and hard work makes it all possible.

We take immense pride in this growing community of travelers who have chosen Heymondo as their preferred option for safe travels. It is both our pleasure and honor to accompany you on all your adventures!

As part of our celebrations, we also want to share some intriguing facts about Heymondo:

  • One of our biggest milestones this year is that we have made it to the U.S. in partnership with Clements Worldwide. We are now distributing travel insurance for U.S. residents in all 50 states and D.C. Insurance plans are underwritten by Starr Insurance. By combining our technology with Starr Travel Insurance expertise, we are offering our custom-made products and pricing to meet U.S. travelers’ trip needs.
  • Since our launch in late 2019, even though we have been through a pandemic, Heymondo has earned the trust of nearly a million travelers.
  • Europe, the United States, Mexico, Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia continue to be the top destinations that travelers have explored insured by Heymondo.
  • And if you need further reassurance, Heymondo boasts a stellar 4.5/5 rating on Trustpilot, based on over 1,907 reviews and recommendations from fellow travelers.

Reflecting on the past four years, we’ve achieved a great deal, and the future holds even more promise… Stay tuned! 

Here’s to safe travels and many more adventures together from the Heymondo team! 🎉

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