Are you thinking about hitting the road but feeling unsure about the perks of benefits travel insurance? Life’s full of unexpected twists, and when you’re away from home, handling unforeseen events can get tricky without the right backup. Health comes first, especially when we are away from home.

That’s where travel insurance comes in – it’s become pretty much a must-have. But let’s face it, figuring out which coverage suits you best and how it all works can be a bit of a head-scratcher.

To make it easier, in this article, we’re going to break down 9 reasons why having travel insurance in 2024 is just plain smart.

buy a travel insurance

24/7 Assistance, 365 days a year

One of the main reasons for travel insurance is the guarantee of receiving quality healthcare 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Beyond receiving care from a skilled team of medical professionals at the nearest and most appropriate medical facility, you also gain the convenience of seeking medical advice from experts through the Heymondo App, regardless of your location worldwide. It’s not just about physical proximity; it’s about having a reliable medical resource at your fingertips, no matter where your travels take you.

Heymondo Travel Insurance can cover medical and dental expenses up to $10,000,000 USD. And even extend your hotel stay if you’re stuck in a medically prescribed quarantine.

Whether it’s a medical hiccup, luggage drama, travel delays, or losing important docs, travel insurance is your all-in-one safety net.

Saving money with Travel Insurance

Arguably the most important reason for travel insurance is that medical emergencies can drain your wallet if you’re not covered. A twisted ankle in Tokyo, a bout of food poisoning in Bali, or an unexpected appendicitis operation in New York (with an average cost of $25,000 USD). All these incidents can hit you hard financially. Heymondo insurance is your go-to for essential medical coverage, meaning you get the treatment you need abroad without dipping into your savings. In an emergency, just hit the 24-hour Assistance number on your Heymondo App, and make a free online call.

Refund of reservations if you do not travel

Sometimes plans do not go as planned and, unintentionally, setbacks arise that force you to cancel your trip.

In these cases, the trip cancellation coverage (included in many of our travel insurance plans) allows you to recover your non-refundable trip expenses if you cannot travel for any of the causes covered by the policy.

The insurance covers the cost of the trip cancellation for different reasons:

  • Trip cancellation. Provides reimbursement of your pre-paid, non-refundable expenses should you need to cancel your trip due to one of the covered reasons. To make this coverage valid, you must purchase it no longer than 7 days after making the first trip booking.
  • Early return. If you must interrupt your trip due to the hospitalization or death of a family member in your country of residence, it will cover the additional return expenses.
  • Trip resumption. It covers the cost of resuming your trip if you are repatriated to your home country due to illness or accident.
Travel insurance

Repatriation and early return

If you find yourself in a tight spot with severe illness or an accident, travel insurance covers your travel expenses for an early return home as advised by medical experts. It even extends to covering the return trip of your buddy or family member. Without insurance, you’d be left dealing with potentially sky-high expenses for an unexpected early return.

Travel expenses for a family member or companion

Should you end up in the hospital during your trip, your travel insurance has your back. It covers the travel expenses for someone close to you to stay by your side. Providing that much-needed emotional support during challenging times.

Problems with luggage

Losing your luggage, dealing with theft, damage, or delayed delivery – it’s a traveler’s nightmare. But with travel insurance, you have a guide through the necessary procedures and compensation up to the agreed policy limit. You can receive reimbursement for administrative expenses related to the loss or theft of crucial docs like your passport or visa.

Loss of luggage

Mandatory for entry to some countries

Did you know that some countries won’t let you through the border without travel insurance? It’s a must for entry. Schengen countries, Cuba, Morocco, Turkey, Nepal, Algeria, Israel, Iran, you name it.

Therefore, this is one of the most important reasons to buy travel insurance. You will not be able to get through the airport without it.

Customizable Travel Insurance

Travel insurance for you. With Heymondo you can adapt your travel insurance to the characteristics of your trip by incorporating additional coverages.
Some of these are; adventure sports coverage, cruise coverage, and coverage of electronic equipment in case of theft or damage. Find the coverage that best suits your adventure easily and quickly.

baggage problems travel insurance

24h Assistance App with your travel insurance

With Heymondo Assistance App, a free service for clients, you will have a 24-hour medical chat and free emergency calls in case you need medical assistance. This allows you to manage any incident easily and quickly.

In a world where vacation plans can get tossed upside down at any moment. Snagging travel insurance is just plain smart. It’s your ticket to a worry-free adventure, covering you against whatever curveballs life throws your way.

Book your Travel Insurance

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